How to create goals for your level up & femininity journey


Goal setting is critical in any self-development journey.

Unfortunately, the femininity community tends to gloss over this, instead only focusing on what to do and forgetting the strategy piece. But what happens when you become a little bit more strategic with your level-up journey?


You move from merely doing things for the sake of doing them to being intentional about your daily actions. Here is an example:

Last year, I was awarded entrepreneur of the year (UEL alumni), but when I started The Femme Guide (TFG), I was far from a ‘bizz baddie’. Don’t believe me? In the beginning, I would conduct coaching calls on a private IG page via Instagram video! I would even charge people $3 to attend my IG lives on a different private page. I didn’t know Zoom was a thing, girl An idea came my way, and I just made the best of what I had.

Initially, this worked well. I had the chance to serve many women and help them level up. But soon enough, I was...

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