How to create goals for your level up & femininity journey


Goal setting is critical in any self-development journey.

Unfortunately, the femininity community tends to gloss over this, instead only focusing on what to do and forgetting the strategy piece. But what happens when you become a little bit more strategic with your level-up journey? ⬇️


You move from merely doing things for the sake of doing them to being intentional about your daily actions. Here is an example: ⬇️

Last year, I was awarded entrepreneur of the year (UEL alumni), but when I started The Femme Guide (TFG), I was far from a ‘bizz baddie’. Don’t believe me? In the beginning, I would conduct coaching calls on a private IG page via Instagram video! I would even charge people $3 to attend my IG lives on a different private page. I didn’t know Zoom was a thing, girl 😅 An idea came my way, and I just made the best of what I had.

Initially, this worked well. I had the chance to serve many women and help them level up. But soon enough, I was losing my femininity. I no longer had time for afternoon tea with the girls, my partner was complaining that he never saw me, and I was barely getting any sleep. This was only the first problem. Then I began encountering the 'clients' from hell 🥺 These clients always asked for more than they paid for, did not pay their invoices on time, and showed up late for their coaching sessions! 🥵 Seeing one of these clients on my coaching calendar would make my stomach drop.

So I made a big move. I removed those clients from my roster and started doing my IG lives for free. 😩 Girl, that was scary, especially when I saw how my revenue took a hit, but I knew it was for the greater good.


When I sat down to analyse the kind of women I wanted to serve, I realised that I was putting my energy and resources into women whose goals, vision, and drive did not align with mine. I even had a client who was a porn star! I could not relate to a porn star, so why was I coaching one?


I’ll tell you why! Because I hadn’t laid out a map of where I wanted my brand to go. I was so caught up in people finally seeing my value that I accepted any offer that came my way.


Women do the same thing with men, by the way.

The moment they start working on their appearance and seduction skills, they start attracting more interested men. Their goal is to be more hypergamous, but because they haven’t laid out what specifically they desire in a partner, their non-negotiables and what their ideal partner desires in them… they start going on dates with men they don’t find remotely attractive, just to get in that restaurant or receive that dream gift.

I’ve coached women like this, and sure enough, they begin to HATE men. They end up hating men. They say things like, "All men are scummy. How can I get as much from him as possible?"



Of course, they believe all men are scummy...  because they accept any man who can afford them without assessing if the rest of his lifestyle and values are in line with theirs. They choose quantity and ease of quality, and exclusivity.


I had the same pattern in my business

So I decided to start filtering based on my personal and brand goals. I introduced an application form to my coaching process that asked specific questions to identify my ideal client's desires, struggles and level of coachability.  

Sure enough, the number of women I accepted into coaching dropped by about 70%.

This is exactly what I wanted! My vision was to work with a small number of high-quality women for a long period so that they could see real, life-changing wins.

Within five months, my coaching clients moved from having wins like 'I matched with this guy on Tinder; he has a Rolex!' to "Cat, I'm engaged! I've finally met the man of my dreams"! My calendar freed up, and I finally had time to focus on my own relationship, self-care, and feminine energy. Better yet, I was proud of the women I was helping. In fact, many of my VIFs are my real-life friends today.

But none of this would have happened if I did not take the time to focus on creating a plan for myself. After all, goals without a plan are just dreams.


The Takeaways

Where in your life are you operating from a place of just doing (or quantity over quality)? With your femininity, are you just trying to be perceived as feminine, or have you considered which aspects of feminine energy will be your strengths and which aspects of your divine masculine energy will serve you?

This even applies to your style!

In the Femininity Club, I’ve been teaching my students to level up their appearance. Not based on what style of shoe I think is classy or what designer handbag is tacky. No, we’re above that aren’t we. No people pleasing energy here!

Instead, my members have been focusing on what works for their own unique style based on their personal preferences, their target audience and how they want to be addressed.

It means I’ve been getting messages like this ⬇️


You can achieve so much more when you get intentional and strategic about what you are working towards. It’s the least you deserve, babe.


To sum it up, the key to making the most out of your self-development journey is ...


Be intentional about it. Setting clear goals and coming up with a strategy to achieve them is crucial. Don't just wait for personal growth to happen to you; actively seek it out. Remember, self-improvement is a continuous process, and it takes time and effort. But with the right mindset and approach, you can become the best version of yourself.


I hope this letter served you in some way, and before you go… It’s my birthday on 12th March! To celebrate, I’ll open the doors to The Femininity Club and Secrets to Getting approached for 48 hours from 12th March. More details to come, save the date.


Lots of love,

Cat Shanu


50% Complete

Two Step

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