$1,900.00 USD

I have read and agree to the terms of use.


Success Agreement: You'll have 14 days from when you first purchase the course, or until 20th Jan (whichever comes first) to go through the ENTIRE pre-work, pre-recorded classes and attend your first live class, to see if this course is the right fit for you.

University Of Femininity - Pay In Full ($300 discount)

Start Now For As Little As $2,200  $1,900 

  • 16 weeks of group coaching
  • Bonus Call: How to get him to approach you (body language & communication secrets)
  • Private Discord Role


As long as you watch all lessons completely and show evidence of applying the actionable advice we walk you through in the Live Coaching Call and pre-recordings before the 20th of Janurary 2023, we will fully reimburse the cost of your investment in the programme.

This means if you take action TODAY you can start learning risk-free on OUR dime!

What People Are Saying:

I just finished and I have to tell you, it’s been worth it every single minute. I set up my goals for this year and one of them is to have even more one to one coaching with you. I’m going to make it happen while achieving my other goals. The past few days gave me so much clarity and finally, I know how to get what I want for myself. I truly believe you are so much more than a femininity coach. You’re a coach that can turn goals into diamonds through your hard work and dedication. Thank you for everything! <3


I used your coaching to gain an internship the CEO office of Estee Lauder that pays me 700 a week for 10 weeks. The value is there in the numbers and how it changes my personal approach to things. Today’s win - I finally got assigned by a new job position for my internship with my executive mentor. And I advocated for myself to get a work laptop a few weeks back and got it today.
