$399.00 USD

2 monthly payments

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When joining the Art of Confidence, we reward you with an unheard of 50% discount on the Art of Seduction!

Here’s what that means to you:

  • The Art of Seduction is the perfect complement to the Art of Confidence. This combo is so powerful, that you'll have to promise to use all your powers for good 😇 and not evil 😈
  • Imagine being able to do that knowing that no matter what happens you have put yourself in a position to have multiple options.
  • Access to a whole host of additional bonuses that come with The Art of Seduction.

Other women pay $499 for this course. You only have to pay $250 meaning you're saving hundreds!

Payment Plan

Femininity Expert, Cat Shanu is going to teach you, how to have queen-level confidence.

Here’s what that means to you:

  • Imagine creating unstoppable confidence in love, business and your lifestyle.
  • Imagine finally being able to stop letting others (your friends, family, and society) control what you go after in life.
  • Imagine going through life being able to confidently say 'yes' or 'no' to any opportunity, man or client that comes your way.
  • Imagine being able to do that knowing that no matter what happens you have put yourself in a position to have multiple options.

It's time to level up your life.