The Femme Guide Resources

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Free Resources Secrets to Getting Approached Art of Confidence Art of Seduction Femininity Club VIF: 3-18 Month Coaching

It's finally here!

Siren School

Over 4 enticing months, we'll work together weekly to take being a 'Siren' from a 'concept' to who you naturally are.

With weekly coaching, Q&A sessions and unique case studies, you'll have an award-winning femininity coach (me) holding your hand as I walk you down a specially curated path. On this path, you will transform into a woman who possesses a mystique so magnetic that

  • new opportunities come flooding into your life
  • your future gets filled with great relationships (romantic and social)
  • every single day becomes immensely pleasurable and fun
  • you become irresistible to EVERY man, particularly the strong masculine type
View Programme

Join Membership!

The Femininity Club

The luxurious but affordable way to becoming “That Girl”. The Femininity Club (TFC) is a monthly private digital membership for feminine women to learn new skills in their love, career and social lives!

This is a community unlike any other.

You shouldn't have to scrimp, save and sacrifice to get insight into the tools that will help you make more money, connections, love and opportunities.

Because of that, we've created the biggest offer to hit the femininity space.


Start today!

Art of Confidence

Confidence is the one skill that can get you anything in life, and in this course, I'll be walking you through from beginner to pro in the Art of Believing in yourself and attracting EXACTLY what you want in life.

The cost of this class increases in the new year by $107.

I mastered that art and science long ago.

I grew up shy, insecure and feeling like I was worthy of better things in life but unsure how to communicate that.

When I was fed up with missing out on opportunities (and great men!)... I used specific strategies to eliminate the imposter monsterslay the doubt dragon and give birth to her inner queen!

And, thanks to this Masterclass, anyone, including you, can do the same!

Start today!

Art of Seduction: for feminine women

Seduction is the difference between being a woman that has to bat high-value men off with a stick...
and a woman who remains invisible.

With The Art of Seduction, I'm shortening the learning curve for you, so you can learn from my mistakes and become a woman of influence who can put just about anyone under her spell. 

It's time you get the results you deserve:

  • An influential social circle
  • Men who instantly find you alluring 
  • A relationship full of excitement and desire
  • Clients that flock to work/ buy from you
  • Opportunities that pay you what you are worth

I've taken my entire seduction black book and put it into this course.

Real Women - Real Results

I've worked with hundreds of women in over 152 countries. And I'm so trusted because of my 200+ reviews and testimonials. From videos and screenshots, there's no faking our success like you'll find other coaches doing.

Secrets to Going Out Solo

Join this class and get instant access to my training that gets you from in the house, to out the door and living your best life!



1) How to never make the worst SOLO MINDSET Mistakes
that are stopping your energetic presence before you even step out the house

2) The real reasons why most women never find the right places to go
and what you can do to scoop up all the best location ideas

3) The right way to dress for your self-dates
without feeling uncomfortable or looking out of place

4) Eliminate the “Doubt Dragon”
by doing this one thing when speaking to strangers.


and there's so much more, including my personal, solo date outfit inspo board!

Buy for ÂŁ42 (save ÂŁ10 off next price increase)

Most popular masterclass

Secrets to Getting Approached 


  • Make an instant and genuine connection with someone you just met in person, so they instantly pursue YOU (while you sit back and receive)
  • Discover the one social cue that can turn a man who keeps staring into a man who's made the first move.
  • Turn your body language from unapproachable to ⇒ open to connect (and how to avoid seeming desperate).
  • Spot the silent red flags of someone who isn't open to connecting so you don’t waste precious time on the wrong people.
  • Move on from socially shy to social butterfly, so you can finally stop feeling nervous and start truly enjoying your social life again.
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